Happy Belated Canada Day to all my fellow Canuck readers!
This year, July 1st also marked the day I wore shorts for the first time *collective audience gasp*.
I hated them just as much as I remember, from peeling my thighs off a bus seat to constantly pulling them down to cover that fabulous "under-butt" we all love so much.
Now that it is July, I fear I will have to succumb to wearing shorts again in the near future. The countdown to pumpkin spice lattes is now on...
On a less melancholy note, Tristan and I had a relaxing Canada Day, we headed out for drinks and then downtown to catch a glimpse of the festivities before realizing we were too tired to sit around and wait for the fireworks. Not to mention we hate crowds.
People were crowding the fireworks-watching area hours before they even began. As modernly obscure as it may be, I quite like Vancouver's "Big Blue Drop".
The man behind a lot of my photos :D
The Olympic torch was lit last night! Look at those beautiful stormy skies..
This is how my henna turned out and I absolutely love it!
Gelato down by the marina
Food carts and fairy lights..
I hope you all had a great holiday and to my American readers, your turn is coming!
Great post Jess! Looks like you had a nice day.....